Monday, December 9, 2013

Holiday To Do List

  1. Buy & purge groceries more than once a month… For your health.
  2. Pay rent on time. And start paying Comcast before it gets shut off. Note: think good credit.
  3. Always have a lighter handy in case of emergency (a.k.a. finding old weed in your nightstand).
  4. On that note, clean out your nightstand regularly.
  5. Stop hanging out with people who don't make an effort to hang out with you.
  6. Learn how to twerk; practice makes perfect?
  7. Take career choices more seriously in preparation for the when the real world catches up.
  8. Do laundry more often. Its embarrassing.
  9. Stop harping on "why people suck."
  10. Be nicer to yourself.
  11. Try investing money? Or try asking your dad where/how to invest money?
  12. Put more recipes on this blog. The number of ranting posts is unbecoming.
  13. Listen to Michael Buble's holiday album more often.
  14. Rent a huge party space and call it,"The Factory." Don't cry when you realize what a terrible idea it is.
  15. Moisturize on a regular basis, there is nothing more uncomfortable than dry skin.
  16. Blog more often; writing is unexpectedly soothing.

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