Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Two Weeks

In T-2 weeks I make the big ol' move to Madrid. The fact that I'm still living comfortably in my fully furnished and decorated apartment is becoming an overwhelmingly apparent cause of stress.  With a million things to get done before I jet set, I'm stuck at a standstill.  I want to have enough time for debauchery with friends, quality family time, making some extra money at work, aaaand packing, but its becoming frighteningly clear that the clock is ticking.

The time has come to do what I do best: make a list (that I will likely never look at again nor complete)

Pre-Departure Bucket List

  1. Go to a Red Sox Game at Fenway and drink too many $9 Bud Lights (approximately 4? Because I'm a lightweight and have issues with pre-gaming too hard).
  2. Go out for a lobster dinner and order at least a 2 pounder because the tiny gambas in Madrid are going to be delicious but less than overwhelming in size. 
    I'll take the shrimpy one on the right PLEASE.
  3. Drive through Dunkin' Donuts at least once a day... The car and accessibility will both be distant memories soon enough. The coffee (fortunately) will soon be replaced by its much stronger/tastier European counterpart.
  4. BBQ on the patio/beach/lake/all of the aforementioned. Make sure to drink good beer during.
  5. Watch live music in Prescott Park. Make sure to drink good beer during.
  6. Drink good beer. Mahou, San Miguel & Estrella will do the trick while in Madrid, but will definitely leave something to be desired.
    One of each PLEASE.
  7. Shoot some guns. Because America.
  8. Pack boxes for storage in a way that will not make me want to use my skills from #7 when I return home.
  9. Spend a night with my parents acting like a kid (i.e. bake cookies with mom, watch movies, ask for another blanket because I simply can't reaaach, & fall asleep on the couch by 9pm).
  10. Finally get that sister tattoo that has been on the wish-list for years and years.

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