Monday, January 19, 2015

Things to Stop Doing in 2015

  1. Creating hangovers that require a full day recovery (see above)
  2. Dwelling (on situations, people, and... that text message I got at 3am, wtf did that mean?!)
  3. Feeling guilty for doing things that make me happy
  4. Self-medicating with Netflix and red wine
  5. Thinking I'm invincible
  6. Assuming I'll find a meaningful relationship on tinder
  7. Starting books and not finishing them
  8. Waiting to do my laundry until its an emergency
  9. Lacking an understanding of how many (unfinished) to-do lists limits too many
  10. Spending all day and night fantasizing about cheez-its (because they are my guilty pleasure and I won't have them again for sooo lonnnggggg)
  11. Procrastinating on nearly everything, especially updating this blog

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