Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Guaca-Memorial Day!

Pardon the corny title, but I couldn’t resist, it’s Memorial Day Weekend! I love holidays like this one because the only thing that I’m expected to do is eat, drink, and find somewhere to float.  I can check off the eating and drinking (a few times), but I still haven’t gotten my float on.  I think that today is the day! I meant to make guacamole yesterday, but my Saturday shenanigans got in the way of that plan.  I spent the day unpacking (STILL), driving (with no help from my GPS), and celebrating another graduation!  About 50 cute baby pictures later, I decided to venture to our camp and pass out for a good 12 hours.  Woke up today inspired to make some guac, and I would like to pat myself on the back for a job well done.  If my sole purpose in life was to make guacamole, I would die a happy well-fed woman.  Well, before I move on to floating, I’ll let you in on my recipe…
First, get the usual suspects out:

  • 2 avocados
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • Some chopped up onion (I usually use about a half)
  • 2-3 chopped up garlic cloves (if you’re a garlic lover, add more, go crazy)
  • 1-2 diced up jalapeños (I just used 1 because it was huuge)
*You’ll probably want a little bit of salt and pepper too
Mix it all up:

Then, let it sit for a little while (teasing you with it’s deliciousness)

Finally, and most importantly, eat it!

Try your hardest to share with friends.  It makes a lot of guac!
On that note, it’s time for me to float (with some chips, guacamole, and cocktails in tote).  Hope you’re all having a great holiday! 

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