Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mojito Time!

It’s the best day ever! Emily showed up with rum and made delicious mojitos.  I guess there are some perks to having a bartender for a sister… Maybe a lot of perks, like, drinking-is-acceptable-any-time-of-day perks.  I can’t complain.  
She makes a pretty basic mojito, which is exactly how I feel they should be made… Each mojito has…
  • 2 shots rum (or more!)
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • Big handful fresh mint leaves (muddled with lime)
  • 1/2 tsp sugar (or less)
  • A few splashes Sprite
  1. Combine first 4 ingredients (AND ICE!) in shaker (make sure to muddle mint and lime first)
  2. Pour everything in a glass
  3. Put some Sprite in shaker to get rest of lime out, then pour into glass
  4. DRINK!
After photographing the delicious mojitos, Stella (One of 4 cats…) decided to pose for a photo shoot.  Lovin’ the seductive poses:

Even Olivia got in on the photo shoot:

Hope you’re all enjoying this gorgeous weather, I know I am (which isn’t hard with a mojito in hand and cute cats everywhere)
FYI: I don’t plan on becoming a crazy cat lady (yet).

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