Step 1: Realize how unbelievably exhausted you are.
Step 2: Boil water.
Step 3: Contemplate what tasks you should try to accomplish with your few hours of freedom. Decide to do none of them.
Step 4: Add ground coffee and hot water to french press.
Step 5: Go to the bathroom. Bring your cell phone with you and accidentally spend 10 minutes scrolling through Instagram.
Step 6: Press coffee. Also, realize that you made enough for three people even though you're solo.
Step 7: Drink 1 cup coffee while scalding hot. Look at tongue in mirror to make sure it hasn't fallen off.
Step 8: Chug the next two cups of coffee, lukewarm, so as not to be wasteful. While chugging, change clothes 10 times before finding the outfit you hate the least.
Step 9: Stumble into your day still exhausted but awkwardly over caffeinated.
Step 10: Make everyone around you uncomfortable with eye contact that lasts a little too long.
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