Saturday, July 9, 2016

Late Night Nonsense

So I said I would post everyday until August, and technically its already Sunday, but it still feels like Saturday because I just got home from work. Sooooo, I'm tired, smell like blue cheese dressing and spilt beer, and am watching Always Sunny in order to fall asleep. Apologies in advance.

First Up: My new dating mantra... The D.E.N.N.I.S. System. Flawless. Fucking flawless! Except for maybe instead of separate entirely at the end I should have "Suck in forever." You just got Molly-zoned! Boom!

And second up: Beach/Concert/Public Drinking prep... Lotion bottle alcohol! Why have I ever looked anywhere other than Always Sunny for life advice?!

So, I'd like to promise that tomorrow's post will be better, but I work open-close so you're probably going to get something similarly disappointing. Buena suerte to us all!


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